觀光旅遊研究學刊 Journal of Tourism and Travel Research |
202006 (15:1期)期所有篇 |
- 鹿港遊客之不同目的地意象溝通效果對旅遊意願之影響 Different Communication Effects of Destination Image on Travel Intention for Lukang Tourists
- 親子友善環境對親子外出休閒活動與孩童表現影響之研究 A Study on the Influence of Family Friendly Environment on Leisure Activities outgoing from home and Child's Performance
- 全英語教學對觀光餐旅畢業生工作表現的影響 The Effects of English as a Medium of Instruction on Tourism & Hospitality Graduates Job Performance
- 商務旅館住宿體驗影響正向電子口碑動機之研究 A Study of the Impact of Staying Experience on Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Motivations in Economic Hotels