十世紀前越南文碑銘:新發現、文本義和價值 Vietnamese's stele before 10th century: new discoveries, meaning and valuable documents
越南南漢時代古鐘試析 An analysis on the Bells of the Southern Han Period in Vietnam
越南10世紀到19世紀的漢字六言詩研究 A Study of Vietnam's Sinographic Hexametric Poetry from the 10th to the 19th Centuries
黎貴惇有關中越文化交流的論述:以《芸臺類語》與《見聞小錄》為範圍 Le Quy Don's Narration of Cultural Communication Between China and Vietnam: Based on His Yun-tai le-yu and Jian-wen xiao-lu
清代越南使節於中國刻詩立碑之文獻記載 Envoys'Poems and Inscriptions in China during the Qing Dynasty