中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
201606 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 王安石《詩經新義》的詮經進路及其以禮法解《詩》析評 The Study on the path of Wang An Shi in his interpretations of the Shi Jing and analyzing his using of ritual laws to interpret the Shi Jing
- 談「□」 On“□”(She)
- 天眼所觀迄於悲歡零星——論王國維的現代斷零體驗 What Divine Omniscient Eyes See Ends in Annihilationof Emotion–On Wang Guo-wei's Modern Annihilation Experience
- 「朱子學及期源流」序言
- 朝鮮儒者田艮齋對朱子思想的理解--比較牟宗三先生的說法 Korean Confucianist Chǒn Kanjae's Understanding of Zhu Zi's Philosophy: To Compare with Mr. Mou Tsung-san's Interpretation
- 「王霸之辨」在《春秋》解經中的運用與反省-以朱熹及張洽的觀點為核心 The usage and introspection of ''Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way'' in explaning Chun-Qiu which in the view of Xi Zhu and Zhang Qia
- 朱子的孟學詮釋特徵 Characteristics of Chu Hsi's Interpretation of Mencius
- 論道德與知識兩種辯證關係:朱子格藢致知說重探 On the Twofold Dialectical Relationship between Morality and Knowledge: Re-exploring Zhu Xi's Approach of Gewu Zhizhi
- 日本崎門朱子學的「智藏」論探析 Kimon School's Chizo Theory
- 朱熹理氣論與萊布屁茲的自然神學 Li-Qi Theory of Zhu Xi and the Natural Theology of Leibniz
- 〔國際漢學講座〕專欄