朱子讀書法與經典詮釋:一個信念分析的進路 Chu Hsi's Du Shu Fa (讀書法, Methodology for Reading Texts) and Interpretation of the Classics
俄藏清末鍾馗圖象考釋 Studies on the Late Qing Pictorial Images of Zhong Kui Held in Russia
賀欽的《醫閭先生集》在朝鮮的傳播刊行與朝鮮學界對於賀欽學說的認識 Spread and Publication of Heqin's Uiryeo-Seonsaengjip in Joseon and Understanding of Heqin's Theory in the Academia of the Joseon Dynasty
論《儀禮》卜筮與求日擇人的幾個問題 On A Few Questions about Divination and the Selection of Dates and People in Yi-Li (《儀禮》)
清華簡《耆夜》飲至禮辨析 Discrimination about the Rite of Drinking in Qiye in Tsinghua Bamboo Slips
《鄭玄三禮注研究》「通論編」及「校勘編」述評 A Review of Yang Tianyu's楊天宇A Study of the Research and Collation of Zheng Xuan's鄭玄Commentaries of the Zhouli周禮, Yili儀禮and Liji禮記