中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
201806 (31期)期所有篇 |
- 明鄭亡後無中國 No China After the Demise of the Kingdom of Tungning
- 「內事以柔日」─《春秋》經傳內事與柔日統計考論 The Even Days for Internal Affairs—A Study on Statistics and Analysis of the Even Days for Internal Affairs in the Spring and Autumn Annals Jingzhuan
- 蔡邕與《白虎通》關係考 The research of Baihutong and Cai yong
- 唐君毅論仁義禮智 Tang Junyi on Benevolence, Dutifulness, Ritual, and Wisdom
- 南管《蘇秦》版本考述 A Study of Versions of Nanguan Opera Su Qin
- 明中葉知識體系建構的多元取向:從李夢陽〈刻《戰國策》序〉談起 Li Meng-yang’s Preface to the Intrigues of the Warring States and Multiplicity in the Construction of Knowledge System in Mid-Ming China
- 「錦繡才子」與社會性閱讀──新論金聖歎《第六才子書西廂記》 Staging An Elite Reading Community: Jin Shengtan’s Commentary on The Western Wing
- 以圖明志:清代女性題詠課子圖文本探析 Pictures Loaded with Aspiration:A Study of Women-authored Inscriptions on Kezi tu