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A Study of Versions of Nanguan Opera Su Qin
作者 柯香君





There have been various opinions regarding the precise origin and development of Nanguan Opera. Study on history of Nanguan Opera is mainly based on the relationship between list of opera and old list of Sung Yuang Nanxi and it is regarded as reference of Nanguan Opera originated from Sung Yuan hsi-en. However, is “list of opera of the same name” derived from “Sung Yuan hsi-wen”? Does the relationship exit in the plot arrangement of list of opera? “Cultural collectivism” is the principal factor of text revision. In order to comply with regional and cultural difference, the authors must develop the reinterpretation, even in the classical texts which have been diffused for hundred of years. The story of the Su Qin began with the Intrigues of the Warring States and has since been adapted into dramas, legends, and other forms. However, through the transmission of time and space, there are also differences in the plots of adaptations in various places. In particular, in the Minnan dialect region, due to different cultural atmospheres, the drama produces regional variations.

This article will use the Quanzhou Nanguan Su Qin as its research object. Careful research against a version of the same repertoire. This article research project, including “Guanmu”, “Plotline”, “Cyu Wun”, “Binbai”. A careful analysis tbetween inheritance and innovation of the relationship between each scrip. Final, establish to Construct the Position and Value of Nanguan Opera in the Evolution of Local Sound Cavity, to understand the spread of Nanguan Opera.


起訖頁 115-170
關鍵詞 南管戲蘇秦張儀宋元戲文金印記NankuanSu QinZhang YiSong Yuan Xi-WenJin-Yin-Ji
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201806 (31期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 唐君毅論仁義禮智
該期刊-下一篇 明中葉知識體系建構的多元取向:從李夢陽〈刻《戰國策》序〉談起




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