月旦法學雜誌 The Taiwan Law Review |
202406 (349期)期所有篇 |
- 「後世代權」作為憲法保障權利之探析 The Exploration and Analysis of the Rights of Future Generations as the Constitutional Protected Right
- 優先錄取弱勢族群乃是種族歧視?──美國最高法院鞏固「形式平等」論的新判決 Is Preferential Admissions Policy for Minorities Racial Discrimination?: SFFA v. Harvard Entrenched the Formal Equality Jurisprudence
- 智慧財產權法應該採用國際耗盡為原則 IP Laws Should Adopt In Principle The International Exhaustion Doctrine
- 凶宅與賠償(下)──一個法院裁判近20年來發展的現狀結算 Haunted Houses and Compensation
- 人工智慧技術下人格權經濟利益之侵權責任與損害賠償 The Liability for Infringement and Compensation for Economic Benefits of Personality Rights under Artificial Intelligence Technology
- 平台時代公司法的新趨勢──基於平台公司多元利益相關者模式的法律調適 Evolvement of Corporate Law in the Platform Age: Addressing Platform Companies’Demands for Divergent Stakeholder Norms
- 法官聲請釋憲案例之評析 Commentary on Cases Involving Judges Petition for Constitutional Interpretation
- 集合體作為歸責主體(譯文) Collective as a Subject of Imputation
- 涉外保證之法律適用 The Law Applicable to International Guarantee
- 關於日本的性犯罪修正──以不同意性交、猥褻罪為中心(譯文) On the Amendment of Japanese Penal Code-With a Focus on the Offense of Sexual Intercourse or Indecency without Consent
- 第八屆臺灣德國刑法論壇研討會(譯文) Conference Report of the 8th Taiwan‐German Criminal Law Forum