201712 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 奧林匹克五環標誌的意義與演變 Transition and Significance of the Olympic Symbol
- NIKE運動廣告文本之分析:從羅蘭‧巴特神話學觀點審視 Text Analysis of NIKE Sports Advertisement: Examined from the Mythologies Perspectives by Roland Barthes
- 創意宋江陣頭大賽陣形探析 Analysis on Battle Array's Formation of the Creative Song-Jiang Battle Array Competition in Neimen
- 以認真休閒觀點探討御宅族的消費行為與文化認同 Research on Consumer Behavior and Cultural Identity of Otaku by the Viewpoint of Serious Leisure
- 雙重身分下的困境:學校教師教練勇闖職業賽事的生命經驗 The Challenge of Managing Dual Positions: The Journey of College Instructor and Coach Taking on the Professional Tennis Tour
- 宗教觀光朝聖者之心靈體驗:以南印度南卓林寺朝聖之旅為例 A Case Study of a Pilgrim's Spiritual Experiences: Taking One's Pilgrimage to the Thekchog Namdrol Shedrub Dargeyling Temple in South India as an Example