考古資料的脈絡分析:以瑪瑙珠與硬陶甕為例談起 Context Analysis of Archaeological Materials: Case Studies in Agate Beads and Stoneware Jars in Southeast Asia
淇武蘭遺址上文化層的外來陶瓷:一個歷史考古學的研究 A Historical Archaeological Study of Exotic Ceramics from the Ki-Wu-Lan Site
花岡山與大龍峒遺址的近現代陶瓷消費 The Ceramic Consumption in Late Modern Taiwan: An Archaeological Perspective Based on Huakangshan and Talungtung Sites
臺灣南島民族玻璃珠飾品的跨文化分析比較:對於形式、價值與物質性的一些思考 Comparative Analysis of Glass Beads Used among Austronesian Groups in Taiwan: Some Thoughts on Forms, Values and Materiality