史原 Shih Yuan:The Journal of Historical Review |
201709 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 唐代文士的歷史寫作──以韓愈為中心的考察 Literati Historical Writings in Tang China: An Investigation Focused on Han Yu's Works
- 況情之所鍾者耶?——明代士人筆下「子殤」的情與禮 Ming Literati's Views Toward Rituals and Emotional Expressions for the Premature Death of the Child
- 瑯嶠地區番產交易體系與1871年琉球人遇難事件 The Aboriginal Goods Trade System in Lonckjouw and The Ryukyu Castaway Incident of 1871
- 晚清海外遊歷及其意識的互動及變遷──以清代經世文編對「遊歷」的認識為討論中心 The Transition and Construction of Overseas Traveling Consciousness in Late Qing China: Focusing on Jing Shih Wen Bian
- 中晚明儒者友誼研究 Review of Scholarship on Confucian Friendship in the Mid- and LateMing China
- 〈魏故國子學生李伯欽墓誌〉考釋 Textual Research on “the Epitaph of Li Bo Qin, the student of Directorate School of National Youth (Guozi Xue) of Northern Wei”
- 〈張瑜墓誌〉考釋 Textual Research on “the Epitaph of Zhang Yu”