史原 Shih Yuan:The Journal of Historical Review |
201309 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 追求正當性:南北朝晚期政治文化史的一條線索 The Pursuits of Legitimacy: A Study of Political Culture in the Late Northern and Southern Dynasties
- 「現代性」視野中的倪柝聲──一個思想史的解讀 Viewing Watchman Nee from the Perspective of Modernity: A Study of Intellectual History
- 蔣中正建立「現代國家」之思想及實踐初探 A Preliminary Study on Thought and Practice in Chiang Kai-shek's “Modern State”
- 社會運動的第一堂課──臺灣青年張深切與中國國民革命(1924-1927) The First Lesson of the Social Movements: Chang Shen-chieh and the Chinese National Revolution (1924-1927)
- 唐代斷屠政策的發展與社會變遷 Prohibitions of Livestock Slaughter and Social Transformation in the Tang Dynasty
- 亦存亦廢的明代承運庫 A Textual Research on Chengyun Warehouse of Ming Dynasty
- 《春秋繁露.止雨》二十一年八月朔日考 A Note on the Date of a New Moon Record in ChunqiuFanlu
- 張家山漢簡《二年律令.傳食律》譯注 An Annotated Translation of “the statutes of food distribution for couriers,” The Legal Texts of Year Two, Zhang Jia Shan Materials
- 〈穆亮墓誌〉考釋 Textual Research on “the Epitaph of Mu Liang”
- 評黃培著,《滿人的再定位》 Book Review: Reorienting the Manchus: A Study of Sinicization, 1583-1795 by Pei Huang
- 評介:《偷竊歷史》、《為什麼是歐洲?》 Review: The Theft of History and Why Europe?
- 褪下抗日的外衣:介紹《代書筆、商人風──百歲人瑞孫江淮先生訪問紀錄》 Review of Scrivener and Businessman: Oral History of the Centenarian Sun Jiang-huai