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A Textual Research on Chengyun Warehouse of Ming Dynasty
作者 李義瓊
Storehouse institution of Ming dynasty especially central silver storehouses experienced the process of growing from nothing one after another, income expansion and interest entanglement which was accompanied by paying land and labor taxation with silver currency, and by the system of the single tax in silver(一條鞭法). Therefore, to study these silver warehouses will help us explore the relationship between paying land and labor taxation with silver and single tax system. Though academia has transferred attention from concentrating on Taicang storehouse to other silver warehouses and the correlation between them, the study still needs advancement. Chengyun warehouse was the first one which included both inside and outside, south and north. Because of the confusing records in historical resources, however, its dimness influenced the further investigation of financial institutions and its changes. So this paper discovers that chengyun warehouse was a simple name of the outside chengyun warehouse in Ming dynasty by comparing different texts carefully and makes a foundation for the further study.
起訖頁 235-256
關鍵詞 承運庫內承運庫外承運庫明代財政Cheng Yun KuNei Cheng Yun KuWai Cheng Yun KuGovernmental Finance in Ming China
刊名 史原  
期數 201309 (25期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 唐代斷屠政策的發展與社會變遷
該期刊-下一篇 《春秋繁露.止雨》二十一年八月朔日考




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