中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202306 (65:2期)期所有篇 |
- 學齡到青少年期的幸福感結構精緻化:性別與年齡效果 Developmental Differentiation of Well-Being Structure from Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence: Effects of Age and Gender
- 命運信念、社會階層與心理健康:台灣社會變遷基本調查之分析 Fate Belief, Social Class, and Mental Health: A Study Based on the Taiwan Social Change Survey
- 校園幸福感與健康景觀設計之實證研究框架 An Evidence-based Framework for Happiness and Healthy Campus Landscape Design
- 幸福感的客觀測量 Objective Measurements of Well-being
- 述情障礙者的情緒認知偏誤與社交功能之神經基礎 Neural Basis of Cognitive Bias for Emotions and Social Functioning in Alexithymia