中山人文學報 Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities |
201401 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 文與也:現代危機裡的文與作為歷史遺留物的國學及她和她的腳 Wen and ''Ye'': ''Wen'' in Modern Crisis, Chinese Learning as Historical Relics, and ''She'' and Her Feet
- 回應 Response
- 紙條 A Slip of Paper
- 比事屬辭與章學誠之《春秋》教:史學、敘事、古文辭與《春秋》書法 Arrangement of Events, Rhetorical Elaboration and Chunqiu's Ideology of Zhang Xuecheng: Historiography, Narratology, the Rhetoric of Classical Prose and Shufa in Chunqiu
- 回應他者:當代敘事困境與《午夜之子》的他異敘事 Responding to the Other: The Predicament of Contemporary Narrative and the Altered Narrative in ''Midnight's Children''
- 「正港的造假」:〈尤邁俄斯〉裡語言與政治的解密 Genuine Forgeries: Linguistic and Political De-Mystification in ''Eumaeus''
- 無人聆聽《時光機器》的故事?從拉岡移情理論解讀班雅明對說故事的懷舊 Nobody Listens to the Story in "The Time Machne"? Re-Examining Benjamin’s Nostalgia for Storytelling from Lacan’s Theory of Transference
- 稱王與否:論《北奧武甫》中的王位繼承及政治智慧 To Rule or Not to Rule: On Kingly Succession and Political Wisdom in ''Beowulf''
- 書評:莫里斯‧迪克斯坦著《途中的鏡子:文學與現實世界》 Book Review: Morris Dickstein. A Mirror in the Roadway: Literature and the Real World