「服遠」與「治近」:嘉靖二十六年明廷的遣明使處置 “Pacifying the Distant” and “Managing the Near”: The Ming Court’s Handling of the Japanese Diplomatic Mission in 1547
十六世紀朝鮮戰爭與明朝中央政治 Ming Court Politics and the Sixteenth-Century Japanese Invasions of Korea
萬曆朝鮮戰爭:日軍之戰術 Japanese Tactics during the Korean War in the Ming Dynasty
十六世紀末朝鮮戰爭與九州──東南亞貿易:以加藤清正的呂宋貿易為中心 The Korean War and Kyushu–Southeast Asia Trade in the Late Sixteenth-Century: Katō Kiyomasa’s Conducted Trade in Luzon