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Ming Court Politics and the Sixteenth-Century Japanese Invasions of Korea
作者 卜永堅
本文認為,要理解明朝在十六世紀朝鮮戰爭(1592-1598)的決策,就要理解其中的制度脈絡。本文將朝鮮戰爭大事與同期明朝中央人事變動作編年排比,並且以戰爭第二階段明軍總指揮邢玠與內閣首輔趙志皋之間的互相攻訐為例,說明北京作為朝鮮戰爭另一戰場的情形,指出趙志皋、石星、沈惟敬為主和派;張位、沈一貫、邢玠為主戰派。 This paper investigates the decision-making process of the Ming government during the Sixteenth-century Japanese invasions of Korea (1592- 1598). It argues that the Grand Secretariat, one of the most important institutions within the Ming government, became the other “theatre” of the war. It juxtaposes the chronology of the war with personnel changes within the Grand Secretariat, and argues that Zhao Zhigao, Shi Xing, and Shen Weijing belonged to the “doves” that advocated for peace, whereas Zhang Wei, Shen Yiguan and Xing Jie belonged to the “hawks” that advocated for war.
This paper investigates the decision-making process of the Ming government during the Sixteenth-century Japanese invasions of Korea (1592- 1598). It argues that the Grand Secretariat, one of the most important institutions within the Ming government, became the other “theatre” of the war. It juxtaposes the chronology of the war with personnel changes within the Grand Secretariat, and argues that Zhao Zhigao, Shi Xing, and Shen Weijing belonged to the “doves” that advocated for peace, whereas Zhang Wei, Shen Yiguan and Xing Jie belonged to the “hawks” that advocated for war.
起訖頁 39-64
關鍵詞 朝鮮戰爭內閣邢玠趙志皋石星the Sixteenth-century Japanese Invasions of KoreaGrand SecretariatXing JieZhao ZhigaoShi Xing
刊名 明代研究  
期數 201706 (28期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 「服遠」與「治近」:嘉靖二十六年明廷的遣明使處置
該期刊-下一篇 萬曆朝鮮戰爭:日軍之戰術




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