202212 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 各國律師事務所登記相關規則專題 Foreign Regulations for Law Firm Registration: Topic Preface
- 法國對律師事務所之管理規範概述──以律師職業規則與巴黎律師公會內規為例 Introduction to Law Firms Regulations in France: Professional Regulations of Lawyers and Internal Regulations of Paris Bar Association
- 日本律師事務所登記相關規定之介紹 An Introduction of the Law Firm Registration Regulations in Japan
- 德國律師事務所許可制度簡介 Brief Introduction to the Licensing Regulations for German Law Fi
- 挪威新律師法關於律師事務所規定之簡介 A Brief Introduction to The Provisions of Law Firms under Norway’s Latest Act on Lawyers and Others Who Provide Legal Assistance (Attorney Act)
- 從保險業裁罰案探討利害關係人交易之四大程序作業 Analyzing Four Procedures of Interested-Party Transactions from Insurance Sanctions
- 自民事觀點分析公平交易法──平臺經濟所啟發之省思 The Civil Law Perspective upon the Taiwan Fair Trade Law: A New Perspective Arising from the Digital Platform Economic
- 人工智慧影像面試所涉就業隱私與就業歧視之研究──兼論美國伊利諾州人工智慧影像面試法 A Study of Employment Privacy and Discrimination Issues Involved in Interviewing Job Candidates Using Artificial Intelligence Video Interviewing Technology: A Review of the Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview