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Analyzing Four Procedures of Interested-Party Transactions from Insurance Sanctions
作者 王嘉緯
The competent authority conducts financial supervision toward the insurance industry by means of inspections and imposing sanctions. The competent authority further publicizes sanction cases online, hoping that the insurers can grasp the fundamentals of supervision by analyzing key points of sanctions, and then conduct self-inspection and improve internal controls. As interested-party transactions have always been the focus, this article attempts to observe the competent authority’s interpretation of regulations, together with major inspection deficiencies of the insurance industry in the past five years. Specifically, this article aims at the following issues:“data filing”,“database query”,“evidencing document”and“supermajority board resolution”under“Regulations Governing Transactions other than Loans between Insurers and Interested Parties”. By analyzing the facts and sanction reasons of individual cases, how the competent authority applies regulations will be clarified. In this way, the misunderstanding of lacking a clear punishment standard will be avoided. Taking supervision forward, it is optimal for the industry to learn from others’errors and actively prevent inappropriate interested-party transactions. Therefore, overall corporate governance and integrity management will be better implemented, and eventually, the goal of sustainable operations will be achieved.
起訖頁 23-37
關鍵詞 利害關係人交易裁罰金融監理保險業董事會重度決議interested-party transactionsanctionfinancial supervisioninsurance industrysuper majority resolution
刊名 律師法學期刊  
期數 202212 (8期)
出版單位 臺北律師公會
該期刊-上一篇 挪威新律師法關於律師事務所規定之簡介
該期刊-下一篇 自民事觀點分析公平交易法──平臺經濟所啟發之省思




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