特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
201307 (38:2期)期所有篇 |
- 家長支援療育方案對零至三歲幼兒與家庭之成效研究 Effectiveness of a Parent Support Program for Families with Developmentally Delayed Children Aged 0 to 3 Years
- 不同性別注意力缺陷過動症與普通學童之注意力表現差異探究 Gender Differences in the Attentional Performance of ADHD and Normal Students
- 家長回應能力的改變與自閉症幼兒發展的關聯性研究 Parental Responsiveness Change and Developmental Outcomes of Young Children with Autism
- 職務再設計的輔具應用對肢體障礙者工作狀況之影響:以手工業為例 Using Assistive Technology in Job Redesign on the Craft-Working Ability of Craftworkers with Physical Disabilities
- 小魚也能開潛水艇:極重度多重障礙學生電動輪椅介入之行動研究 Small Fish Can Also Drive the Submarine: Action Research for Powered Wheelchair Intervention for a Student with Profound and Multiple Disabilities