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Using Assistive Technology in Job Redesign on the Craft-Working Ability of Craftworkers with Physical Disabilities
作者 張玉山 (Yu-Shan Chang)
本研究目的包括:一、了解肢障工作者從事手工業的工作特性與困境;二、分析手工業肢障工作者對輔具的需求,並進行輔具應用與調整;三、探討職務再設計的輔具應用對肢體障礙者(肢障者)工作的影響。透過三個肢障個案的探究,以及實地為其中一位個案Z 發展與應用輔具,再以深度訪談為主要的資料蒐集方法,透過歸納式分析及持續比較法來分析資料,並以三角檢證建立研究的可信度。本研究主要的研究結果包括:一、本研究個案從事手工業的基本工作內容,與一般人無異;創作前端的設計與構思,與常人相同;所需創作技巧與加工技術,多是從工作中(師徒制)習得;所使用之工具也大多與一般創作者一樣,少數是自行改裝;手工業創作的工作要求與專注度很高,會直接與間接受到肢障的影響。本研究個案從事手工業所遭遇到的挫折,包括收入較低、欠缺親友精神支持,以及特殊創作材料取得不易。二、身體機能的缺陷會造成本研究個案在活動上的限制,甚至會引發其他生理上的傷害;會引起自卑、憂鬱、消極等心理狀態;影響創作工作的勞力表現與技術表現。不僅影響工作效率,也影響就業率。三、本研究個案需要借助特殊的工具來完成工作,包括自行改良的手工具以及搬運用的電動工具;輔具的應用,有助於改善工作效率、方便、安全及品質;具體的輔具需求是支稱背脊的支架、搬物器具,以及舒緩臀部疼痛的坐墊。四、本研究個案的問題在腰、臀、腿的支撐力不足與疼痛、搬運物件困難、工作環境距離、與通道高低落差等問題。本研究結果指出,經討論採用的改善方法,包括改善工作方法、改善工作設備、改善工作環境,以及使用輔具。而經持續調整輔具與追蹤發現,其工作時間明顯增加、可創作的作品尺寸或幅度明顯加大、工作疲憊與生理痛苦減輕,也提高工作的滿意程度。
Purpose: This study examined the effects of using assistive technology in job redesign on the working ability of craftworkers with physical disabilities. The purposes of this study were as follows: (a) to investigate the characteristics and difficulties faced by people with physical disabilities when engaged in craftwork; (b) to discuss the assistive technology needs of people with physical disabilities when engaged in craftwork; (c) to advise the participant to use and adjust assistive technology in job redesign when engaged in craftwork; and (d) to discuss the effects of using assistive technology in job redesign on the working ability of craftworkers with physical disabilities. Methods: There were 3 participants in this study. A set of assistive technology was developed for one of the subjects. In-depth interviews were administered to collect data. Inductive analysis and constant comparison were used to analyze the data. Data were confirmed using constant comparison and triangulation. Results: (a) Craftworkers with physical disabilities designed and produced craftworks with the same competency as most people without physical disabilities. The idea generation and concept-designing skills of people with physical disabilities were equivalent to those of most people without physical disabilities. The skills needed to produce products were learned through job experience. Although most tools used by the participants in craftwork were the same tools used by people without disabilities, the participants refined some tools independently. Craftwork involves numerous job requirements and a high degree of working concentration, and these qualities were influenced by physical disabilities both directly and indirectly. Many limitations in producing craftworks were caused by physical disability. Frustration commonly occurred because of low income, lack of spiritual support from relatives and friends, and difficulties in obtaining special materials for craftwork. (b) Disability of physical function had negative effects on the work performance and work effectiveness of participants. In addition to physiological damage, physical disabilities can cause psychological states of inferiority, depression, and passivity as well. This not only affected the work efficiency, but also the employment rate. (c) The participants needed to use special tools for craftwork. These tools included hand tools and power tools. Effectiveness, convenience, safety, and quality of the craftwork of people with physical disabilities can be improved using assistive technology. One participant needed specific facilities including body supports, carrying facilities, and a cushion to relieve pain. (d) The participant faced problems of insufficient support and pain in the lumbar region, buttocks, and legs. Thus, it was difficult for the participant to carry objects when working. Other problems included the distance of different places in the overall working environment, and the high and low drops of passages. Conclusion and Implications: Numerous strategies of using assistive technology for job redesign in craftwork were adopted to solve the identified problems of the participant. These strategies included refining working methods as well as the facilities and the environment, and using assistive technology. The results of this research indicate that, after continually using and refining assistive technology, the participant was able to work longer, produce larger products, feel less pain and fatigue, and become more satisfied with the work by using assistive technology in job redesign in craftwork.
起訖頁 077-097
關鍵詞 肢體障礙者手工業輔具職務再設計 physical disabilitiescraftassistive technologyjob redesign
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 201307 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 家長回應能力的改變與自閉症幼兒發展的關聯性研究
該期刊-下一篇 小魚也能開潛水艇:極重度多重障礙學生電動輪椅介入之行動研究




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