科學與工程技術期刊 Journal of Science and Engineering Technology |
201206 (8:2期)期所有篇 |
- 以檸檬酸鈉作為分散劑與螯合劑搭配無電電鍍法合成銀銅殼核結構粉體之研究 Sodium Citrate as a Dispersant and Chelating Agent for Synthesizing Cu-Ag Core-shell Particles: Using an Electroless Plating Method
- 低分壓下二氧化碳吸附劑吸附效能評估 Evaluation of CO2 Adsorption Performance under Low CO2 Partial Pressures
- 循跡式載具定位、變速及轉向角控制器之設計製作 Design and Implementation of a Positioning/Speed/Angling Controller for Use in a Line-Following Vehicle
- 實現以布林代數演算為基礎之可程式控制器適合作為循跡式小型載具其方向速度控制器之設計 Design and Implementation of a Boolean Algebra-Algorithm-Based Programmable Controller Suitable for Use in Direction-Speed Control of a Line-Following Vehicle
- 雙葉片擺動圓形穴槽潛流場之煙線 Streaklines Encountered in a Creeping Circular Cavity Flow with Two Oscillating Blades