長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201510 (8:2期)期所有篇
老年病患負面社會心理資訊呈現之前文脈絡與言談機制:以臺灣家醫科為例 Discourse Contexts and Mechanisms Relevant to Elderly Patients’ Presentation of Psychosocial Concerns--A Case Study Based in the Family Medicine Practice in Taiwan
臺灣護士形象的源起與建構:以《護士季刊》為案例的分析 The Origin and Construction of the Image of Taiwan’s Nurses: A Case from the Journal of Nursing(Hu Shi Ji Kan)
日本銀髮族養生保健產業發展:需求面觀點的分析 The Needs Analysis for the Development of Wellness and Health Promotion Industry in Japan