都市與計劃 City and Planning |
202009 (47:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以社會網絡分析法探討治理網絡的權力關係與互動模式──以基隆市兩案例為例 Investigate the Power Relationship and Interaction Mode of Governance Network by Using Social Network Analysis-The Case Study in Keelung City
- 臺北市獎勵廢棄建物拆除改作暫時性公共開放空間之政策評估 Policy Evaluation of Incentives to Demolish Abandoned Buildings for Temporary Public Open Space in Taipei City
- 台灣地區居住滿意度影響因素之實證分析 Determinants of Residential Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in Taiwan
- 文化創意產業與評估指標關聯性之分析 Relational Analysis of Cultural and Creative Industries and Assessment Indicators