都市與計劃 City and Planning |
201009 (37:3期)期所有篇 |
- 台北都會區空間蔓延與緊密發展型態趨勢之研究 Spatial Sprawl and Compact Development Patterns and Trends in the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- 影響臺灣原住民族遷徙的區位及生命歷程要素 Migration of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples in Response to the Effects of Location-specific Factors and Individual Life Course
- 新竹市海岸生態環境與土地使用整合模式之建立與應用 Design and Application of an Integrated Model for Ecological Conservation and Land Use in Coastal Planning in Hsinchu
- 台南市地表溫度與地表覆蓋關係之研究 Relationship Between Surface Temperature and Land-cover in Tainan City