臺灣西部城際旅客運輸路網脆弱度之評估模式 Vulnerability Assessment of Intercity Passenger Transportation Network in the Western Taiwan Corridor
低碳城市效率評估與影響因素分析 Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Low-Carbon City: An Analysis
文化創意導向都市再生、「新」都市治理的實踐及缺憾:以迪化街區為例 Cultural Creativity-Led Regeneration, Exercise of ‘New’ Urban Governance and its Discontents: A Case Study of Dihua Neighbourhood in Taipei
鄉村地區綠色運輸衡量指標之建構與評估:以宜蘭縣為例 Green Transportation Index Construction and Evaluation for Rural Area: A Case Study of Yilan County