史學彙刊 Journal of the Historical Studies |
201112 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 《天聖令》復原唐令研究之二:〈假寧令〉 The Research on the Tang Statutes reinstated from the Tiansheng Statutes: Using the Leave Statutes as an example
- 宋代泗州地理經濟變遷 Sung Dynasty Sizhou Geo-economic Change
- 元代契丹女真人的漢學 The Sinology of Qidans and Jurchens in Yuan Dynasty
- 吸收與創新──盛清諸帝對西洋工藝的指導與創製 Absorption and Innovation: How Emperors of High Qing Dynasty Shape the Western Craftsmanship
- 科舉與時文──論清代科舉評點的社會意義 Imperial Examination System and Examination Essays: Social Meanings Resulting from Imperial Examination System in Ching Dynasty
- 台灣史學──從1970 年代到2011 年不同觀點的總攬 Taiwan Historiography: An Overview of Differing Viewpoints from the 1970s to 2011
- 孔子自敘年表及其史學價值 Confucius' Chronicle in Confucian Analects , and It's Historical Value