戲劇研究 Journal of Theater Studies |
202107 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 南宋戲禁文獻辨析糾謬──以朱熹勸喻榜及陳淳「論淫祀淫戲」之上書對象為論述中心 Analysis and Rectification of Documents Aiming to Prohibit Drama in the Southern Song Dynasty-Centering on the Advisory Propaganda from Zhu Xi and the Recipients of Chen Chun's Letters Concerning ''Excessive Sacrifice'' and ''Excessive Drama''
- 不安於室/是:明清女性劇作的空間出走與性別越界 Unsettled at Home: The Shaping of Space and the Significance of Gender among Female Playwrights of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
- 什麼是Epic I?:一個對《小說理論》,《現代戲劇理論》,《後戲劇劇場》研究架構的重新審視 What is Epic I ? - A Reexamination of Three Research Frameworks of The Theory of The Novel, Theory of the Modern Drama, and Postdramatic Theatre
- 從IP經營的視角看霹靂的全球化布局(2014-2020) The Development of Pili International Multimedia Company in the Age of Globalization from the Perspective of Intellectual Property Management (2014-2020)
- 抗戰時期陝甘寧邊區的新秧歌、廟會與傳統文化 Revolutionary Theatre, Temple Fairs, and Traditional Culture in Wartime Shaan-Gan-Ning