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Revolutionary Theatre, Temple Fairs, and Traditional Culture in Wartime Shaan-Gan-Ning
作者 賀大衛
During the mid-1940s the Chinese Communist Party established a theatrical presence in the countryside of the Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region. Its geographic coverage was inevitably somewhat concentrated in areas near county and district administrative centres, but it also targetted rural markets, horse-and-mule fairs, and temple fairs. Beginning in1944, the Party made a concerted effort to establish its presence at temple fairs. Rather than simply provide performances of dances, yangge and opera, Party troupes also coordinated with medical teams and other CCP-sponsored operatives to target practical issues of concern to the rural population. In doing so, it generally made efforts to harmonise its messages and style with those of rural society, and to avoid any controversial themes that led to confrontation with local power-holders. In terms of theatrical forms, the Party troupes used whatever fitted the local circumstances, including yangge but also forms of little opera like North Shaanxi daoqing and Meihu, and big opera forms such as Qinqiang and Peking Opera. The initial result, at this stage in the implementation of Party cultural policy in the countryside, was a cultural amalgam in which new plays sponsored by the Party were incorporated in local repertoires.
起訖頁 141-191
關鍵詞 新秧歌廟會中國共產黨文化政策民間歌舞革命戲劇North Shaanxi Yanggetemple fairsCCP cultural policysong-and-dancerevolutionary theatre
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 202107 (28期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 從IP經營的視角看霹靂的全球化布局(2014-2020)




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