屏東教育大學學報:教育類 Journal of Pingtung University of Education: Education |
201203 (38期)期所有篇 |
- 客籍組成比例對客語沉浸幼兒客語口語敘說表現之影響 The Influence of the Hakka Composition Ratio on Hakka Immersion Children's Oral Narrative Performance
- 國小客語教科書的性別角色內容分析 Content Analysis of Gender Roles in Hakka Language Textbooks of Elementary Schools
- 不同實驗設計之標準化平均數差異效果量整合探討 Combining Effect Size Estimates across Different Experimental Designs in Meta-Analysis
- 國中教師追求快樂取向、主觀幸福感與組織承諾關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship among Junior High School Teachers' Orientations to Happiness%2C Teachers' Subjective Well-being and Teachers' Organizational Commitment
- 大學生學習投入與幸福感之相關研究 A Study of the Relationship between Learning Involvement and Well-Being of University Students
- 教師投入教學與師生關係的關聯性之探討 The Relation between Teaching Engagement and Teacher-Pupil Relationship
- 自覺健康狀態、健康責任、情緒幸福感及憂鬱關係之調查 A Correlational Study of Self-Reported Health Status%2C Health Responsibility%2C Emotional Well-Being and Depression
- 應用認知負荷理論的數學解題教學實驗 The Application of Cognitive Load Theory to Mathematical Problem-Solving Instruction
- 高雄縣市國小初任校長競值領導角色與教師專業承諾關係之研究 A Study of the Relationship between Beginning School Principals' Leading Role of Competing Value and Elementary School Teachers' Professional Commitment
- 屏東縣國小教師參與學校本位進修意願與困擾因素之研究 The Research of Elementary School Teachers' Willingness and Disturbing Factors Participate in School-Based in-Service Teacher Education of Elementary School in Pingtung County
- Evaluating a Self-Access Learning Project Utilizing DVDs 運用DVD培養自主學習之課外活動
- 創作性戲劇應用在災區幼兒學習情緒轉變之研究 The Effect of Creative Drama for Suffering Children on Learning Emotion Transformation
- 國小學童在班級人際友誼網絡之初探分析 The Social and Interpersonal Network Analysis of Class in the Primary School
- 大學教師評鑑制度之後設評鑑研究--以國立屏東教育大學為例 A Study on the Meta-Evaluation of the Faculty Evaluation System in National Pingtung University of Education