傅正揭露國產挹注黨產之問題 A Study on Fu Zheng’s Inquiry of State-aid KMT Budget phenomena
轉型正義與回復權利:論撤銷不法刑事判決後之返還沒收財產議題 Transitional Justice and Rehabilitation:A Study on Recovery of Property Confiscated through Unlawful Criminal Sentences
論接收日產成黨產過程中的轉帳撥用問題 The Transfer and the Allocation Issues in the Process of Taking Over the Japanese Colonial Assets into Party Assets
轉型正義作為法治國的憲法價值:司法院大法官釋字第793號解釋分析 On Transitional Justice as a Constitutional Value: An Analysis on the Interpretation No. 793 of the Taiwanese Judicial Yuan