政治轉型後人民因不當刑事判決遭沒收財產返還之研究──以國際間發展為比較 A study on the return of confiscation of property by unlawful sentences after political transformation: a comparison of international development
黨產條例的合憲性爭議:從2002年行政院黨產條例草案的相關文件談起 The Constitutionality of the Act Governing the Settlement of Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties and Their Affiliate Organizations: Talking about the relevant documents of the government draft in 2002
黨產追討與誹謗罪之案例與分析 Speech About Ill-gotten Assets By Political Parties And Crime Of Defamation: Cases And Analysis
特種外匯:國民黨威權政府與外匯的管制弊端 Franchise Foreign Exchange: KMT authoritarian regime and the disadvantages of foreign exchange control