林業研究季刊 Quarterly Journal of Forest Research |
202009 (42:3期)期所有篇 |
- 初探里山的永續利用關係:以日本福岡縣糸島半島為例 Exploring the relationship of sustainable use in Satoyama: A case study of Itoshima peninsula, Fukuoka, Japan
- 新化林場大葉桃花心木人工林直徑分布量化及碳吸存能力評估 Quantifying diameter distribution and assessing carbon storage capacity of a mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) plantation in Hsinhua Forest Station
- 氣象資訊應用於森林調節服務之效益評估 Accessment of applying meteorological information to forest regulation services
- 評估不同求解Weibull 機率密度函數方法應用於量化臺灣杉人工林林分直徑分布之適用性 Assessment of the applicability of the Weibull probability density function by various stand diameter distribution quantification approaches of a Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides) plantation