台灣生物多樣性研究 Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity |
202004 (22:2期)期所有篇 |
- 龍鑾潭周邊雁鴨為害水田秧苗情形 Duck damage on rice seedlings in paddy fields nearby Lung-Luan Lake
- 無霸勾蜓的人工飼育與幼期發育 Larval developments of the Jumbo Dragonfly (Anotogaster klossi Fraser) under laboratory conditions (Odonata: Cordulegastridae)
- 橙螢生活史與在九份二山之季節性發生 Life history of Diaphanes citrinus Olivier and its seasonal occurrence in Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan, Nantou County, Taiwan
- 台灣北部及東南部硬底質海岸潮間帶寄居蟹群集分析 Intertidal hermit crab assemblages on hard substrates along northern and southeastern coasts of Taiwan
- 隨機排程燈光設備應用於防治雁鴨為害水稻秧苗之效果 The effect of a lighting device with random schedule on preventing ducks from damaging rice seedlings
- 臺灣新歸化植物──直立鴨跖草(鴨跖草科) Commelina erecta L. (Commelinaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan