特教論壇 Special Education Forum |
201406 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 電子繪本之改造在發展遲緩兒童故事理解之應用 Applying Adaptive Electronic Picture Books of Story Comprehension of Preschool Children with Developmental Delay
- 新移民家庭特殊需求子女之母親的教養歷程 The Parenting Process of New Immigrant Mothers with Children Having Special Needs
- 有口難言:從一件成年智障者的體罰事件談起 A Case Of Abuse Of An Adult With Intellectual Disability
- 從教育機會均等觀點探討我國身心障礙學生升大學甄試政策 Reviewing University Entrance Exams policy for Senior High School Students with Disabilities Based on the Perspectives of Equality of Educational Opportunity
- 創造思考融入遊戲創作教學方案對國小資優生創造力之研究 Creative Thinking Skills Integrated into Game Design Program on Creativity for the elementary gifted students
- 從類比的角度探討創造思考過程 Examining Creative Thinking Process from the Analogical Perspective