數位學習科技期刊 International Journal on Digital Learning Technology |
202204 (14:2期)期所有篇 |
- 結合遊戲軟體情境之探究式學習法:程式學習之個案研究 Inquiry-Based Learning Combined with Game Scenarios: Case Studies of Learning Programming
- 大學生網路醫學知識觀、線上文獻求助行為與學習表現關係之研究 Exploring the Relationships Among University Students’ Internet-Specific Epistemic Beliefs in Medicine, Online Academic Help-Seeking Behaviors, and Their Learning Performance
- 研發課後作業系統以改善大學普通物理課之教學成效研究 A Study of Development of the Homework System to Improve Teaching and Learning Effectiveness of College General Physics Courses
- 高級中等學校教師實行翻轉教室行為意圖之跨層次研究 A Cross-Level Analysis of Teachers’ Behavioral Intentions to Implement Flipped Classrooms in High Schools
- 聯想式推理作答與聯想式概念圖作答之學習成就的差異研究:以遊戲式學習系統為工具 A Research on the Difference of Learning Achievement Between Associative Reasoning Answer and Associative Conceptual Map Answer: Using Game-Based Learning Systems as Tools
- 透過翻轉教學提升大學生英文高層次思考技能 Improving EFL College Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills Through Flipped Instruction