應用三維列印於STEAM課程對創造力的影響 Effects of 3D Printing-Based STEAM Instruction on Students’ Creativity
探究國小學童教養風格、創客素養和創客學習成效之關係 Investigating Parenting Styles, Maker Literacy, and Maker Performance of Primary School Students
國中機器人STEAM跨領域課程發展研究:以彰化縣二水國中培龍計畫為例 Development and Effects of an Interdisciplinary Robotics STEAM Curriculum: A Case Study of a Rural Junior High School in Taiwan
範例引導學習與問題導向學習之教學策略對國小學生機器人程式學習的影響 The Influence of Example-Led Learning and Problem-Oriented Learning Strategies on the Elementary Student’s Robot Programming Learnings