數位學習科技期刊 International Journal on Digital Learning Technology |
200809 (1:1期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣高等教育數位學習現況與展望 Development and Future Prospects of the Higher Education E-Learning Program in Taiwan
- 以Big Six Skills 資訊問題解決歷程培養創造力成效之研究 The Effect of Fostering Creativity in the Information Problem Solving Approach: the Big Six Skills
- 結合Big Six 技能與線上自律學習模式之學習策略-以社會科主題探究活動為例 A Learning Strategy using the Big Six Skills and the Self-Regulation Model: A Theme-Based Learning Activity in a Social Science Course
- 以方法目的鏈探求數位學習平台需求之研究 A Study of the Use of Means-End Chains in the Examination of the Requirements for a Digital Learning Platform
- 採遊戲式學習教育平台之科學教育活動設計 Design of Scientific Education Activities Based Upon the Game-Based Learning Platform
- 全面混成學習環境中之班級氣氛與學習成效探討 Classroom climate and learning effectiveness in holistic blended learning environments