「自我」的符碼與戲碼-論瞿秋白筆下「多餘的人」與〈多餘的話〉 Symbolizing and Dramatizing "the Self": "Superfluous Man" and "Superfluous Words" in the Prose of Qu Qiubai
理分-血緣關係架構中的「仁義」觀 Li and Fen: The Idea of Renyi in Blood Relations
東亞學術史觀的殖民扭曲與重塑——以韓國「朝鮮儒學創見模式」的經學論述為核心 A Study of Chosŏn Confucianism's New Interpretations of the Classics with the Purpose of Clarifying the Muddled Situations Surrounding Confucian Studies during the Japanese Colonial Rule in Korea