教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
202003 (65:1期)期所有篇 |
- 東北亞四國英語教育政策之比較 Comparison of English Education Policies in East Asian Countries
- 中華民國華語文政策芻議 Towards a Language Policy on Chinese as an Alternative Language in Taiwan, the Republic of China
- 從教師認知、教學資源與教學實踐論國語文教育政策之困境與契機 Dilemmas and Opportunities in Mandarin Education Policy Implementation from the Perspectives of Teacher Acknowledgment, Resources, and Practice
- 臺灣閱讀策略教學政策與執行 Reading Policy and Reading Instruction in Taiwan
- 數位網路時代下媒體素養教育政策再思考 Rethinking Media Literacy Policy in the Digital Internet Era
- 英語作為外語的國小畢業生詞彙量、詞彙閾值與閱讀理解 Vocabulary Size, Lexical Threshold, and Reading Comprehension of Elementary-School EFL Learners
- 母語優先的臺灣本土語言復振教育規劃 Mother Tongues First: Planning Taiwanese Native Languages Education Policy for Language Revitalization
- 臺灣國民教育場域裡的新住民語言教育政策 Language Education Policy for New Residents in the Context of Compulsory Education in Taiwan
- 設計自我效能、設計興趣和STEM 學習表現之相關分析:以時尚設計為例 Effectiveness of STEM Education for Design Self-Efficacy and Design Interest in Fashion Design
- 正向心態對初始興趣、維持興趣及動手做科學創作競賽學習價值之相關研究 Proactivity Affects Triggered and Maintained Situational Interest and Relates to Perceived Learning Values of Attending a Hands-on Making Contest
- 學習是為了義務或快樂:儒家文化脈絡下臺灣高中生學習滿足感的雙元取徑研究 Learning for Duty or Enjoyment: Two Paths to Fulfillment in Learning for Taiwanese High School Students in the Confucian Cultural Context