教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201903 (64:1期)期所有篇 |
- 生活課程教師專業素養指標之研究─以教學能力成熟度模型與模糊層級分析法為途徑 Application of a Teaching Capability Maturity Model and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Constructing Professionalism Indicators for Life Curriculum Teachers
- 青少年健康素養:由健康促進觀點建構定義與能力指標 Defining Adolescent Health Literacy and Constructing Its Indicators From a Health Promotion Perspective
- 攜手同行:建構特教初任教師導入方案之旅 A Journey on Constructing an Induction Framework for the Novice Special Education Teachers at Secondary School Level
- 高中教育目標之分析與比較 Study of High-School Educational Goals
- 校長領導對教師學習領導的影響:檢視信任關係與學業強調的調節作用 The Effect of Principal Leadership on Teacher Leadership for Learning: How Trust and Academic Emphasis Moderate?
- 國中學生面對網路謠言之回應行為初探:以Facebook謠言訊息為例 Responses of Junior High School Students to Internet Rumors: A Case Study of Facebook Posts
- 技術及職業教育政策之接受度:實踐研究新視角 Policy Acceptance of Technical Vocational Education: A Perspective From a New Act on Field Study
- 探討科學想像力融入國小自然科課程單元之成效:以「簡單力學-力與運動」單元為例 Effectiveness of an Instructional Experiment Using Scientific Imagination Integrated Into a Nature Science Course for Elementary School Students: An Example of “Simple Machines − Force and Motion”
- 以校務研究觀點探討行政管考制度之建構 The Study of Developing the Administrative Performance Evaluation System From the Perspective of Institutional Research
- 高中美術資優班學生創造力、學業成就與藝術表現之關係研究 Relationships Between the Creativity, Academic Achievement, and Art Performance of Artistically Gifted Senior High School Students