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青少年健康素養:由健康促進觀點建構定義與能力指標   全文下載 全文下載
Defining Adolescent Health Literacy and Constructing Its Indicators From a Health Promotion Perspective
作者 廖梨伶劉潔心施淑芳 (Shu-Fang Shih)鄭其嘉 (Chi-Chia Cheng)張子超
Research has demonstrated that health literacy significantly affects health status, health inequality, medical expenses, accessibility of medical care, understanding of health information, and decision-making behavior. However, most studies on the topic of health literacy have focused on adults and are based on a medical perspective. This study proposed a definition of health literacy and an ability indicator for adolescents. The target study population were students in their third year of junior and senior high school. Thirty-four teachers, 23 parents, and 85 adolescents were interviewed to collect data concerning the real-life context of adolescents. The collected data and national health education curriculum guildines were used as a reference to develop health literacy definitions and abilities. Eight health education experts and eight senior teachers were invited to conduct a two-round Delphi survey. Based on the 3 types of adolescent health literacy (functional, interactive, and critical health literacy), this study developed health literacy definitions and 56 abilities (10 for the junior high indicator, 18 for the senior high indicator, and 28 for the junior and senior high indicator) covering 10 issues. The definitions and ability indicators in this study were developed on the basis of real-life adolescent contexts and considered Taiwan’s health education guildines. Therefore, the results can serve as a valuable reference for developing health literacy measurement instruments or intervention programs.
起訖頁 025-051
關鍵詞 青少年指標健康素養德懷術adolescentDelphihealth literacyindicator
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 201903 (64:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 生活課程教師專業素養指標之研究─以教學能力成熟度模型與模糊層級分析法為途徑
該期刊-下一篇 攜手同行:建構特教初任教師導入方案之旅




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