教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200812 (53:3期)期所有篇 |
- 不同類別評量者對國小校長領導能力知覺評量之比較 A Comparison of the Assessments of Elementary School Principals’ Leadership Competence by Different Types of Evaluators
- 大學生自陳閱譜困難與發展性閱譜障礙之研究 Self-Reported Music-Reading Difficulties and Developmental Musical Dyslexia among University Students
- 香港教育改革的政策轉向及其影響 Policy Changes and Impact of the Education Reform in Hong Kong
- 高職學生技術創造力指標建構之研究 The Development of Technological Creativity Indicators for Vocational High School Students
- 二層次結構方程式模型的應用:以教育心理學為例 Applying Two-Level Structural Equation Model to a Data Sample Drawn from Educational Psychology
- 教師專業制度的社會學分析 A Sociological Analysis of the Teaching Profession in Taiwan
- 國中小品德校園文化營造實徵研究 An Empirical Study of Character-Based School Culture Building in Taiwan’s Elementary and Junior High Schools
- 籃框外的天空─女性運動員之升學與就業個案研究 Off the Basketball Court: A Case Study of Female Athletes’ Experience of School Admission and Career Development