師大學報:語言與文學類 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature |
201603 (61:1期)期所有篇 |
- 卓蘭饒平客家話舌尖前音聲母顎化與否之聲學探究 An Acoustic Exploration of Whether Alveolar Onsets [ts, tsh, s] Are Palatalized in Zhuolan Raoping Hakka
- 從庾信作品的使節典故論其鄉關之思及貳臣之恨 Discussion of the Literary Quotations of Diplomats in Yu Xin’s Works and His Homesickness and Shame
- 宋代禪門頌古詩的發展及語言特色 Developmental and Language Features of the Odes of Wen-tzu Chan in the Song Dynasty
- 「歸化」還是「異化」?:The Hound of the Baskervilles 三部清末民初中譯本研究 Breeding Three Hounds of the Baskervilles in China: A Study of Three Early-Twentieth- Century Chinese Translations of Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles
- 陳淑瑤《流水帳》中的離島/鄉土成長記憶 Growth Memory in Penghu: the Native Land in Chen Su-yao’s Blotters
- 蔡襄〈海隅帖〉解讀—從國立故宮博物院的導覽失誤談起 Interpretation of Cai Xiang’s “Haiyu Modelbook”: Incorrect Information by the National Palace Museum