中文摘要 |
卓蘭饒平客家話的音韻系統已有少數傳統方言學的調查所描寫,但對於舌尖前音[ts, tsh,s]在[i]元音或[-i]介音前是否顎化的描述結果卻頗不一致。有鑑於此,本研究透過聲學的研究工具與方法,對卓蘭饒平客家話的[s]是否顎化為[ɕ]進行探討。36名說卓蘭饒平客家話的客家鄉親參與本項研究,依據他們的性別(男、女)、年齡(老、中、青)分成六組,每組6人。本研究透過自行設計的發音字表,採集卓蘭饒平客家話[s]與國語[ɕ]在不同變項(元音、性別、年齡)作用下所發出的語音樣本,並利用PRAAT對擦音的「摩擦噪音時長」與「頻譜能量高峰頻率」進行手動測量。結果顯示,[s]在[i]元音或[-i]介音前會顎化為[ɕ],與說話者的性別、年齡沒有關係。另外,本研究也將卓蘭饒平客家話與東勢大埔客家話的[ts, tsh, s]在高前元音之前的不同表現進行比較,並提出舌葉音[tʃ, tʃh, ʃ]對於[ts, tsh, s]顎化為[tɕ, tɕh, ɕ]有「阻擋效應」的觀點。 |
英文摘要 |
This study explored whether [ts, tsh,s] are acoustically palatalized into [tɕ, tɕh, ɕ] in Zhouolan Raoping Hakka. Thirty-six native speakers of Zhuolan Raoping Hakka participated in this study. They were evenly divided into six groups according to sex (male and female) and age (old, middleaged, young) and were asked to read the author’s self-designed wordlist. Speech tokens of [s, ɕ] were collected according to vowel context, sex, and age. PRAAT, a computer software for acoustic analysis, was manually used to measure the friction duration and spectral peak frequencies of fricatives [s, ɕ] in Zhuolan Raoping Hakka and Mandarin Chinese. The results indicated that [s] before [i] or [-i-] is palatalized to [ɕ] and is related to neither sex nor age factors. Moreover, this study also compared the different phonetic behaviors of [ts, tsh,s] before [i] in Zhuolan Raoping Hakka and Dongshi Dapu Hakka, and proposed that [tʃ, tʃh, ʃ] generated a “blocking effect” on palatalization from [ts, tsh, s] to [tɕ, tɕh, ɕ]. |