科學博物館策展者應具備條件之探討 An Investigation of the Requirements of Curators in Science Museum
解開透明魚的奧秘──「雀斯派倫特.費雪的秘密」策展經驗探討 Reveal the secret of transparent fish- the experience of curating a special
新技術、新思維、新趨勢:3D列印技術於博物館領域之應用 New technology, new thinking, new trends: applications of 3D printing
technology to the museum field
博物館裡的自造者運動:以國立科學工藝博物館「明日世界──地球」3D列印展示活動為例 The Maker Movement in Museums: Case Study of the 3D Printing Exhibition
of “Tomorrow never knows” Held by the National Science and Technology