博物館技術的傳述方式與兒童觀眾學習內涵之關係研究 The Relevance of Learning for Children and How a Museum Presents the History of Technology
從維高斯基的社會文化論談博物館兒童探索空間之設置規劃 To Set up Children's Discovery Room in Museums from the Viewpoint of Vygotsky's Social-Cultural Theory
學齡前兒童探索展示空間營運實務評量--以國立自然科學博物館「幼兒科學園更新案」為例 Operational Evaluation of Discovery Rooms for Preschool Children --- A Case Study of Exhibition Renewal for 'Children's Discovery Rooms' in the National Museum of Natural Science
兒童觀眾和參與式展品互動之探討--家庭觀眾中的兒童成員 How Children Interact with Hands-on Exhibitions -----Children as Part of Family Group
科學博物館展示的兒童尺度:人性因素探討 An Exhibition Yardstick for Children in Science Museum: an Exploration of Human Elements