臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201803 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 從兩岸故宮倣古玉件談其尊古意識 Study on Antique Jade : Example as the Collection of National Palace Museum in Taipei and Beijing
- 處世與解脫--老莊之生命治療 Living and Relief : The Life Therapy of Laozi and Zhuangzi
- 明代公案小說集中「割股療親」的踐履歷程與彰顯的典範意義 Model significance of detective fictions of Ming Dynasty focusing on practice and manifestation of “Cutting Flesh to Heal Parent”
- 佛教造像文化與雕版印刷術的發明 The Culture of Buddhist Statues and The Invention of Woodblock Printing
- 先秦兩漢園林理論初探 Construction of Chinese Theory History of Gardens (a): Pre-Qin and Han period