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Model significance of detective fictions of Ming Dynasty focusing on practice and manifestation of “Cutting Flesh to Heal Parent”
作者 張凱特
「割股療親」盛行千年,明代公案小說以此為典範,以近似巫術理論的「替罪」信仰原理敷演成「以身求代」的情節,體現孝道信仰化的趨向。從民俗療法到轉化成神聖孝道,映現「割股療親」文化命題的複雜性。並結合官方旌表鋪陳孝道的世俗酬善策略,有意營造出孝道符合天道與人道的思維。公案以官方旌表代表對激烈孝行的肯定,藉由孝感代表天道的肯定,進而承認「割股療親」的孝道實踐方法,藉由故事人物示例,縮短理想典範與現實規範的實踐距離,達到勸善讀者的效能,由此說明公案小說重構倫理秩序的積極意義。 Ge Gu Liao Qin has been prevailed for ten hundreds years, and detective fictions of Ming Dynasty took it as a model and developed the belief of scapegoat to saving others with self-sacrifice to reflect the belief tendency of filial piety. The transformation of sacred filial piety from folk therapy had reflected the complexity of the culture of Ge Gu Liao QinMoreover, worldly rewards to goods with official flags were combined to create the thought that filial piety conformed to natural laws and humanity. Legal cases used official flags to represent the response to behaviors which violated the Classic of Filial Piety and used filial piety to represent affirmation of natural laws so as to admit the practicing method of Ge Gu Liao Qin and shortened practical distance between ideal models and actual standards with stories and figures to realize the effect of persuading readers, thus reflecting the positive significance of reconstruction of ethical orders of detective fictions.
起訖頁 73-100
關鍵詞 明代公案小說割股療親孝道信仰替罪民俗療法detective-style novelsCutting Flesh to Heal Parentbelief of filial pietyscapegoatfolk therapy
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201803 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 處世與解脫--老莊之生命治療
該期刊-下一篇 佛教造像文化與雕版印刷術的發明




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