臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201703 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北大學「國家圖書館善本古籍鈐印主題資料庫」建置目的及其展望 The Establishing Goal and Prospect of National Taipei University's "Signet Database of the Rare Old Books in National Central Library"
- 元代陳繹曾「用事」修辭研究 Rhetoric Figures Employed in Yongshi by Ming Dynasty Writer Chen Yizeng
- 新文學道路的宣示與史的論斷:胡適及其〈五十年來中國之文學〉 The Declaration and Historical Judgment of the Course to Modern Literature: Hu Shih and his Chinese Literature of the Past 50 Years
- 何休五諫範型之創立──兼論五諫之形成與發展 Hé xiū "wǔ jiàn" and its paradigm establishment--also on the formation and development of "wǔ jiàn"
- 彭曉《周易參同契分章通真義》的象數思想 The Image-Number Concept in The Truth of the Kinship of the Three According to the Book of I-Ching by Peng Xiao
- 寫出-活出文學──台灣當代原住民漢語文學「美學」的兩個面向 Writing-Living out Literature: Two Dimensions of the "Aesthetics" of Modern Indigenous Chinese Literature in Taiwan
- 於靜存之,於動著之──王船山「正心誠意」的意義治療 Wang Chuanshan’s "Regularizing mind and Sincerity" of Logotherapy
- 先秦諸子「齊物論」思想比較 A Comparison of Pre-Qin Thinkers on the "Discourse of TreatingThings as Equal"