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Wang Chuanshan’s "Regularizing mind and Sincerity" of Logotherapy
作者 李瑋皓
「意義治療」(Logotherapy)是由奧地利心理學家傅朗克(Viktor E. Frankl,A.D.1905-1997)所開創之心理學派。誠然,此處所言之「意義治療」並非直接將西方理論直接硬生生地套入儒家義理中。歷來許多學者曾指出儒家義理中蘊含著「治療意義」。現今社會因西方文化衝擊,以及吾人價值觀扭曲,吾人之內在面臨著極大之困苦,卻苦無解決自我問題之方法。身為儒者之王船山(A.D.1619-1692)所倡導之「正心誠意」可使現代人療癒自我,並追尋自我生命之意義,在其生活中落實並實踐,為這社會開創出「真」與「善」之生命意義與價值。是以本文之開展,從「什麼是宋明儒者們所論之『正心誠意』」開始論述;接著說明「船山義理與傅朗克意義治療之會通在於吾人生命能向上之提昇,並追尋自我之生命意義」;最後闡述「如何體現『正心誠意』」。以下即依上述架構,逐步展開討論。
"Logotherapy" is by Austria psychologist Viktor E. Frankl ( A.D.1905-1997) of psychological school foundation.Indeed, here will say it "Logotherapy" directly the Western theory directly stiffly wrap to enter in by no means the Confucianist righteousness principle.Always many scholars once pointed out in the Confucianist righteousness principle is containing "Logotherapy".Nowadays the society because of the Western culture impact, as well as our values distortion, in us is facing enormous poverty-stricken, painstakingly does not have actually solves method of the self-question. Places when the Ming and Qing Dynasties tripod with two handles leather Wang Chuanshan (A.D.1619-1692) to initiate it "Regularizing mind and Sincerity" to be possible to cause the modern people to cure, and tracks down significance of the self-life, carries out in its life and practices, founds "really" and "friendly" the life significance and the value for this society.Is development by this article, "is the Song bright Confucian scholars discusses 'from Regularizing mind and Sincerity '" to start to elaborate; Then explained "Chuanshan and Frankl the Logotherapy can pass lies in our life to be able the upward promotion, and tracks down the self-life significance"; Finally elaborated "how Practice'Regularizing mind and Sincerity '".The following namely according to the above construction, launches the discussion gradually.
起訖頁 171-197
關鍵詞 王船山正心誠意存養省察傅朗克意義治療Wang ChuanshanRegularizing mind and SincerityPreservation and ConsiderationViktor E. FranklLogotherapy
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201703 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 寫出-活出文學──台灣當代原住民漢語文學「美學」的兩個面向
該期刊-下一篇 先秦諸子「齊物論」思想比較




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